The Classic Dozen Roses is a timeless bouquet of twelve beautiful roses that will never go out of style. This classic arrangement is perfect for any occasion, from birthdays to anniversaries to just because. Each rose is carefully selected for its vibrant color and sweet fragrance, making this bouquet a true delight for the senses. Whether you're looking for a romantic gesture or a simple way to show someone you care, the Classic Dozen is always a great choice. Order today and make someone's day with this elegant and unforgettable arrangement. Or to add some extra love, choose the luxury or opulant dozen roses which includes premium greens and white flowers.
Classic Roses (Dozen, 18, and 2 dozen)
If another color is wanted, please call to request.
Please note that flowers are not always in stock. It is best to call ahead at least a week prior to delivery date to ensure that I am able to have flowers available for you.